Freedom and Human Rights Organization in Kurdistan region-Iraq held a panel about early marriage

Freedom and Human Rights Organization in Kurdistan region-Iraq held a panel about early marriage, its effects and causes, the reason for the increase of its rate in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region and how to resolve the matter. With the attendance of:

Many judges, lawyers, journalists, and representatives of three religions whom take part in marriage processes in Iraq, as well as representative of women's organization and all media channels.

The current events of Iraq and the Kurdistan region were discussed about the matter of early marriage in the panel, as well as its down sides in psychological and physical terms.

Some reports and research have been addressed during the panel which were conducted in the Kurdistan Region, and the reports have shown that divorce rates are much higher among those involved in early marriages as well as high rate of mental illness after marriage.

Most of the women who die in childbirth are those who married early or while pre-mature who are not yet ready for that process mentally or physically. It has also been shown that this trend of early marriage has much higher rates in the areas outside the cities, and this is due to the lack education in social matters in those areas.

Therefore it was considered necessary that the Kurdistan Regional Government should put serious effort to prevent this rising phenomenon and issue new laws to punish those who carry out with this act in the Kurdistan Region, and those Kurdish citizens who do this in the courts of central and lower regions of Iraq, and to not formally recognize their marriage contracts.

The Organization for Freedom and Human Rights also asks the Iraqi government to set a limit for this act and punish its perpetrators and those who facilitate or support it.

It also asks all the consulates of Iraq and Kurdistan region to help them to reduce and eliminate this trend to help the Kurdistan region and Iraq.

As it is clear that the trend of early marriage has increased in a significant way in 2020 and if a solution and an equal plan similar to the principles of human rights in the world isn’t made, it will be a big threat to democracy, children's rights, and human rights in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region in the future.

Freedom and Human Rights Organization in Kurdistan Region-Iraq
